Important notifications
2.The frequency of the new style is getting faster and faster,Our pressure is more and more difficult to make, and the profit is less and less.
So the delivery time is usually needed now. 3-4 working days (after you pay)5.All members %15 discount, Include new style.Don't worry about quality, our quality is the same as that of other suppliers.We no minimum order mode, you can minimize the test
6.very important
Please keep your shipping address as same as the PAYPAL address. If your address is different, please update your PAYPAL address or rewrite the new address before at you payment paypal, Because we issued a unified PAYPAL address delivery, because we encountered too many fraudsters.
or we refund your money, don't send out anything.
7.Mexican buyers, please note that your customs inspection is very strict, if you do not have clearance capacity. Please buy 10-12 clothes for each package. Do not exceed it. As a result of your country's policy, many parcels have been returned to our company. If you can't receive the package, you will complain to our company. It's a great loss for us. We will implement this standard.